What Is an Independent Compliance Expert?
Financial Services independent compliance experts, or ICEs, are third-party entities responsible for helping organisations meet crucial compliance obligations. Here’s a closer look at including how to engage them, what they do and what steps they take to help firms meet compliance requirements.
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Are brokers, advisers and investors ready for new T+1 settlement rules in the USA?
In a recent article in Advisor Voice, Amanda Mark examines the impact of the shortened settlement cycle for most securities transactions in the United States.
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“Advisers should prepare for MIS changes” – IFA
Shy-ann Arkinstall from the Independant Financial Adviser comments on Treasury’s review of Managed Investment Schemes with insights from MIntegrity in this article:
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“Savvy market moves pitch Complii as ‘new asset class’ in financial services for 2024” – The Inside Adviser
The Inside Adviser comments on the Complii’s strategy and outlook in this article:
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